Mantle Makeover - before picture

This is what I’ve been looking at for a couple of days. When the holidays are over they are really over. I don’t like decorations hanging around. Our family went on a quick trip after Christmas so I came home (after the 1st) to a fully decorated house and little to no energy.

Once I got out the storage bins and gained my energy back, I got to cleaning. Another wrench I’d like to throw in is that we are in the beginning stages of a Total Money Makeover. What does that mean? Basically, NO extra spending until our debt is gone. This includes EVERYTHING that isn’t a necessity. Somehow new candles, plants, some pieces of flair and trendy accents aren’t in the “necessity” category. Weird. I had to get creative.

My drab mantle with a lonely lantern, some glass pillars, a couple of wonky candles and an Ellen ball shooter turned into a very simple look just by me wandering around my house and printing my favorite designs on paper. Could my lighting look any more depressing? Sheesh.

I literally spent $0 creating this look. I love a simple and minimalistic approach but I also like things to feel warm and welcoming. I may have to add a thing or two but I can’t…unless I find it around my house or steal it from the neighbors.

Mantle Makeover - after

What did I do?

  • Found free printables online and printed my favorites onto regular printer paper.
  • Rummaged through my ribbons and found a scrap of striped ribbon and some twine.
  • Stole my plant-ish thing from my office.
  • Unpacked a candle holder that I had been using for storage.

At the end of this post, I’ve provided links to free printables so you can do this, too. Well, your version which will probably be MUCH better than my attempt.


  • All cylinders are either glass or candle. It doesn’t matter. I just wrapped each one with paper and taped or used glue dots to secure them in the back.
  • For the ribbon, I did the same thing.

To find placement, I moved things around about 100 times and finally got tired of this project and left everything in the last position I’d moved it to.

Your project will look different because we obviously have different things in our homes but I encourage you to take a little walk around your living space. Is there something that can be repurposed that you hadn’t thought of? Remove a ribbon or embellishment off a basket, wrap something in paper, cover with ribbon, get designer duct tape and cover any blemishes. There’s got to be something!

Share your ideas! I’d love to steal them ASAP!

FREE Printables:

There are a variety of colors so take a peek at the link to see if they have what you’re looking for.

quatrefoil printable the latest find

circles free printable the latest find

textrued free backgrounds fuzzimo

chevron free printables 4 shared

variety of christmas backgrounds smitten blog design

tawsha connell