Pumpkin Spice Chili

Pumpkin Spice Chili

The cooler temps are here. Time to lug out the crockpot and add pumpkin spice to literally everything. This slow-cooked, chunky chili is awesome to make quickly or keep in the crockpot all day.

There’s nothing that annoys me more than a giant back story before a recipe so I’ll just get to this pumpkin spice goodness.


Day 23: Pumpkin Spice White Hot Chocolate

Day 23: Pumpkin Spice White Hot Chocolate

Cozy hot drinks have been a staple at our house since the colder weather hit. There’s nothing better than snuggling up to a giant mug of festive goodness.

We’ve found a bunch of different pumpkin spice hot white chocolate recipes. We tried a few and just couldn’t land on anything that had the pumpkin spice flavor with a mix of rich chocolate. Even if you use expensive chocolate, it tasted bland.

Then I got to creating my own version. It’s quick, cheap and easy. None of the frilly crap and tons of time. Whip it up, drink it and be happy. After all, it’s the holidays.

We are pinning all of our pumpkin recipes on our Pinterest board “We Love Pumpkin”. Follow us HERE

tawsha connell

Save Recipes. Create a Grocery List. Get Store Specials…ZipList!

Save Recipes. Create a Grocery List. Get Store Specials…ZipList!

Introducing ZipList | Save Recipes. Create a Grocery List. Get Store Specials...ZipList! | organizedCHAOSonlineYou know we like to make things quick, cheap and easy here at organized CHAOS online, and this time we hit the mother load! In the past, when we shared a recipe with you, you’ve only been able to print it. You have asked us if we would include a feature that would allow you to save the recipe. You also asked if we would include a grocery list with each recipe. It’s always want, want, want with you. (Oh my gosh, we’re so kidding!!!)

We have been looking for a way to make this happen, and we finally found it. We have partnered with Ziplist. It’s a FREE web-based service that will allow you to:

  • Save our recipes to your own recipe box that you can access from our website.
  • Save recipes from other websites to your recipe box
  • Have your saved recipe ingredients added to your grocery list (which you can edit)
  • Save your favorite grocery stores, then immediately have access to their current specials
  • Create menus

There is a mobile app available for both iPhone and Android, so you can take your grocery list with you, and check items off as you buy them. I’ve used other mobile grocery lists, but Ziplist is by far my favorite. (Nope, we’re not getting a kickback from this service…we just love it!) Did I mention that it’s FREE?

Mobile App for Ziplist | Save Recipes. Create a Grocery List. Get Store Specials...ZipList! | organizedCHAOSonline

So how does it work?

Tomorrow we start our “89 Days of Pumpkin” recipe series (I KNOW! We can’t wait either!). You’ll notice that our recipes now include a “Print” button, and a blue “Save Recipe” button. If you don’t need to print the recipe right away, you can click the blue “Save Recipe” button. You will then be prompted to create an account with Ziplist. It’s quick to do, and again…it’s FREE. Once you create your account, you’ll not only be able to save organizedCHAOSonline’s recipes, but recipes from a ton of other sites like  Martha Stewart, epicurious and bon appetit. All your saved recipes will end up in the same place – your personal recipe box!

How to Save a Recipe with Ziplist | Save Recipes. Create a Grocery List. Get Store Specials...ZipList! | organizedCHAOSonline

Once you’ve created your account, any time you click the blue “Save Recipe” button, you’ll be able to save the recipe to your online recipe box, then add the ingredients you need to your weekly shopping list.

You can access your recipe box at any time through the “Recipe Box” link on our site.

Ziplist also provides you this cool little button that you can drag to your computer’s bookmark toolbar so you can quickly save recipes as you come across them!

ZipList Recipe Clipper | Save Recipes. Create a Grocery List. Get Store Specials...ZipList! | organizedCHAOSonline

When you ask, we listen. We hope you love this little tool is what you’ve been looking for, and that you love it as much as we do. Spend some time wandering around their site to see all the other cool things you can do. Fill up your recipe box with our scrumptious pumpkin recipes starting tomorrow.

ZipList Features | Save Recipes. Create a Grocery List. Get Store Specials...ZipList! | organizedCHAOSonline

Are any of you already using Ziplist? It would be great if you shared your experiences with our readers in the comment section below.

Enjoy, and let us know what you think!

Patti signature

Easy Baked Chicken Chimichangas

Easy Baked Chicken Chimichangas

I hate stopping what I’m doing to cook dinner. I’d rather put something together in the morning when I’m in the kitchen anyway, than do it at 5:00. Do any of you feel the same way? God, crockpots are a great invention. Throw a bunch of stuff in a pot in the morning and you’ve got dinner with basically no effort.

This recipe isn’t a crockpot one, but after making it the other night, it’s going to become one of my go to quick-fix meals. Easy to make, and ohmygodsogood!!




Watch for our “89 Days of Pumpkin” beginning September 1st!

Patti signature

Easy Baby Back Ribs, Crockpot Baked Beans, and…Dessert! {Printable Recipes}

Easy Baby Back Ribs, Crockpot Baked Beans, and…Dessert! {Printable Recipes}

Best EVER baby back ribs {organized CHAOS online}Don’t you love making recipes that turn out looking exactly like the little picture on the recipe card? During the summer when company’s company and I’m feeling laid back and lazy, this is my go-to meal. It turns out perfectly every time, there’s always enough to go around, it’s quick to prepare, and it makes me look like a master chef. Individually the recipes are amazing, but when put together in one meal, well…holy sh*t Julia Childs!!!

I love that you can prepare this whole meal without having to juggle shared oven space. The beans go in the crockpot, the ribs in the oven, the corn in the microwave, and dessert in the freezer. There’s no need to worry about timing, and nothing has to be “tended” to or prepped last minute.

These ribs are seriously the best I’ve ever had. These are my very favorite recipes, and you know if it comes from organized CHAOS online, it’s going to be quick and easy. Enjoy!










Don’t forget to enter our very first GIVEAWAY. Win a home t. shirt with YOUR home state on the front. Winner announced Sunday, August 11th. Click HERE to enter.


Patti signature

Red, White and Blue 4th of July Party Drinks with Free Drink Flag Printables!

Red, White and Blue 4th of July Party Drinks with Free Drink Flag Printables!


It’s almost party time, and what’s a party without lots of liquid refreshments? Oh yeah! We’ve rounded up some leaded and non-leaded drink recipes for your upcoming Fourth of July Bash. We’ve listed the ingredients below each drink so you can get them added to your shopping, and then just click on the drink image to get the recipes.

If you’re needing food ideas to go with your drink concoctions, check out Red, White and Blue 4th of July Easy Party Food. If there’s one thing we do well, it’s throw a party, and everything we do is quick, cheap and easy. So once we get you set up with your food and drinks, we’ll get you hooked up with some easy DIY party decorations. Watch for it! So let’s get this party started, shall we?

1. Three Pop-Rocks Cocktails


(Click on image for recipes)

Source: Pizzazerie

[row][column size=”1-3″ last=”0″ style=”0″]

Pop Rocks on the Beach


  • Vodka
  • Midori melon liqueur
  • Chambord raspberry liqueur
  • Pineapple juice
  • Watermelon Pop Rocks

[/column][column size=”1-3″ last=”0″ style=”0″]

Strawberry Popper Rocker


  • Strawberry Schnapps
  • 7-Up
  • Strawberry Pop Rocks

[/column][column size=”1-3″ last=”3″ style=”0″]

Malibu Rocks


  • Malibu rum
  • Blue Curacao
  • Pineapple juice
  • Cranberry juice
  • Fruit Punch Pop Rocks


For Pop Rocks Rimmed Glasses, dampen the edges of your glass with lemon juice, then dip the rims into a plate filled with pop rocks.


2. Melon Mixer


(Click on image for recipe)

Source: The Flavorful Life


  • Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie (Blueberry Watermelon)
  • Club soda
  • Watermelon
  • Blueberries


3. Frosty Fireworks


(Click on image for recipe)

Source: Spoonful


  • Red or blue fruit-flavored beverage
  • Seltzer (flavored or plain)
  1. Fill an ice cube tray with a red or blue fruit-flavored beverage (such as Powerade, Gatorade, or Kool-Aid) and let the cubes freeze solid.
  2. Drop three or four colored cubes into each glass
  3. Pour in flavored seltzer water or clear soda, and watch the special effects. As the cubes melt, colored bubbles will swirl through the seltzer.

4. Pop Rocks Shooters


(Click on image for recipe)

Source: Celebrations


  • Red or blue Pop Rocks candy
  • Grenadine
  • Half and half
  • Maui Blue Hawaiian Schnapps


5. Blue Lemonade Cocktail | Watermelon Star Stirrers


(Click on image for recipe)

Source: Celebrations


  • Lemonade (our recipe or your own)
  • Watermelon
  • 2-inch star cookie cutter
  • Lollipop sticks
  • Blue food coloring (kid-friendly version)
  • Maui Blue Hawaiian Schnapps or vodka and blue curacao liquor (adult cocktail version)

6. Patriotic Drink


(Click image for recipe)

Source: MooreMinutes


  • Sobe piña colada
  • Gatorade fruit punch
  • G2 Blueberry pomegranate

Note: The trick to layering the colors is to pour the drinks slowly over the ice so they don’t mix. Also, layer in order of the drink with the most sugar. The most sugar goes at the bottom, next layer less sugar, top layer least sugar.


7. Patriotic Drink (Kids Version)


(Click image for recipe)

Source: Food


  • Cranberry juice or Fruit punch
  • Gatorade sports drink (blue)
  • Sugar free 7-Up or Sprite



Add the finishing touches to your fancy schmancy party drinks with some patriotic flags. Click on the images to download and print these cute little drink flags – for FREE! Print them on cardstock, and attack to toothpicks, straws or drink stirrers.

Drink Flags

Source: PicsandPaper


Circle Flags

Source: The PolkaDotPosie


I would recommend testing these drink recipes many, many times to make sure you’ve got them right before serving them at your party (wink). If you missed our Fourth of July Red, White and Blue Party Food blog, read it HERE. Watch for our upcoming Quick, Cheap and Easy Fourth of July Party Decorations post. When it comes to parties, we’ve got ya’ covered!

Patti signature

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