Paperwork: How Long to Keep it, What to Toss, What to Shred (Printables)

Paperwork: How Long to Keep it, What to Toss, What to Shred (Printables)

Paperwork: How Long To keep it, What to Toss, What to Shred (Printable Guidelines)

The hardest part about purging for me, especially purging paperwork, is being afraid that I’ll get rid of something important that I’m going to need later.

With the identity theft increasing, especially the recent Target one – come ON people, really???, I’m also a little freaked out about not knowing for sure what needs to or doesn’t need to be shredded. The whole need for hyper-privacy really pisses me off to be honest, but obviously it’s a necessary evil, so we need to take steps to protect ourselves.

To make our lives a whole lot easier, I checked in with the Attorney General’s Office and found the following information. Knowing it came straight from the horses mouths (no disrespect intended), it set my mind at ease that they’re pretty accurate guidelines,


So, print these two lists out, put them somewhere you can see them, plug in your shredder, then tear through that paperwork and purge, purge, purge!

How Long to Keep Documents - Free Printable Guideline[paiddownloads id=”36″]

What to Shred, What to Toss - Free Printable Guideline[paiddownloads id=”37″]

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