“National Nude Day” and other Strange Holidays in July

“National Nude Day” and other Strange Holidays in July

There are some sta-RANGE holidays this month…”Sidewalk Egg Frying Day”…”Different Colored Eyes Day” just to name a couple. Honor the ones you like, or make up some of your own, but don’t let July 14th slip by you without some type of celebration!

Bizarre July Holidays {Organized CHAOS Online}

Grumpy Cat Pics

Monthly Celebrations:

  • National Blueberry Month
  • National Anti-Boredom Month
  • Unlucky Month for weddings
  • National Cell Phone Courtesy Month
  • National Hot Dog Month
  • National Ice Cream Month

Weekly Celebrations:

  • Week 2 Nude Recreation Week


Daily Holidays and Bizarre Days:

Patti signature

Weird holidays courtesy of Holiday Insights