To My Kindergartener: Mommy Is So Proud Of You

To My Kindergartener: Mommy Is So Proud Of You

letter to kindergartener

More times than I can count, I’ve been told, “Don’t wish the years away.” “Enjoy every moment you have with him.” I am still in awe of how lucky daddy and I are to have you as our son. You’re adorable, you’re smart, you’re feisty, you are independent and you’re hilarious. One problem: You grew up too fast.

As we wash all your new school clothes, buy your supplies and prep to meet your teacher, the first day of Kindergarten creeps closer and closer. Next week, life will change as we know it. Where did the time go?


Since the day you were born, we had planned that both daddy and I would work during the day. It didn’t happen that way. There was a plan greater than our own that kept me home with you. Looking back, I can’t believe I didn’t realize what an honor that was. How rare. While trying to start and run a business from home, there you were. Each day, I got to wake up with you, feed you breakfast and play with trains, trucks and Legos. This all happened while I took on the challenge of working from a home office. You you eventually grew to the age where you could talk my ear off…even when I was on an important phone call. Now we can signal to each other what the other one wants in our own little sign language. If only the people on the other end knew that I spent many of those calls with you in the bathroom, fixing a toy, racing Lighting McQueen and even rocking you to sleep .


Since I was reminded so many times to appreciate each moment, I tried to slow things down a bit and put family first. It didn’t always work out that way. I’ve never noticed it more than I do at this moment. Why? Why didn’t I just turn around and forget about the world for just one second? I knew that as each minute passed, I couldn’t go back in time. Talk about major mom guilt. I am blown away by what you have learned, experienced and even taught yourself. Whether you are in my office or not, I’ll always sit with one leg straight out, ready to jump up at any moment. I’ll always leave the door open and I’ll always welcome play time.


You are such a gift. You are first to enter my mind in the morning and the last I think about at night. In fact, I actually don’t think you ever leave this ol’ noggin.


We’re embarking on a new adventure. This time, you’re leading the way. I’ll be right behind you. I can’t wait to hear your stories when you come home. I can’t wait to meet your new friends. I can’t wait to experience school, friendships and challenges through your eyes.

There are no words to describe the way my heart melts when I see you smile, the pain I feel when you are sad and the lengths I would go to make you happy. I love you so incredibly much and am more proud than I ever thought possible.

To my sweet little boy starting kindergarten next week; Show the world what you have to offer and don’t hold back. They have no idea what’s about to hit ’em.



first day of school funny

tawsha connell