EMERGENCY! I have a photo shoot!

EMERGENCY! I have a photo shoot!

I work at a radio station one day a week. This weekend, I’m filling in for someone who is out of town. I can say, now, that I work at a radio station two days a week.

All on-air staff members have been notified of a photo shoot next week. NEXT FREAKING WEEK! This is a very “Nashville” type of shoot taking place downtown.

I live in Nashville (which is why the feel of the shoot is Nashville – duh).

By day, downtown is very calm and family-friendly.

nashville by day

By night, it’s gritty, loud, fast-paced, full of action and live music and a very cool place to be.

broadway-nashville night

I want to represent my city.

I’m not ready. I can fudge my makeup and fix my hair but I can’t figure out what to wear.

My dilemma: I’m big.

This is not a “fishing for compliments” type of post. I don’t work out regularly because it hurts (more on that in a coming post) and am the biggest I’ve been since having my son.

We’re working with a size 12 body, here.

Nope. I just lied to you.

I’m a 14…barely.

Holy crap. I just told you my size.

Don’t delete this, Tawsha. Don’t delete.

Moving forward.

It’s not the number, it’s how I feel in that number and how I know I’m not making progress down from that number.

I want to feel good but have no idea what to wear or how to dress for my, we’ll call it, womanly figure.  My boobs are big, my stomach is big, my shoulders are wide and my ankles are skinny. I’m also not interested in showing off my legs, upper arms or cleavage. Geez, could I be any more high maintenance? Just reading through this makes me irritated at me. I would slap anyone who talked like this about themselves. Why do I think it’s okay to do to me?

Here’s my style and what I’d love to wear:

torn rock star

jeans and white shirt

Both of those outfits are VERY me.  The problem: In a not small size, it doesn’t look the same and they both are snug against an area I’m not fond of (arms and stomach).

Dear fashion friends: I need your help. Can you please suggest a great outfit from head to toe by commenting below?

Oh, and, P.S. I have little to no money to invest so I need to piece together very simple items. If I was living in a different world, I’d march my sweet ass to Nordstrom and grab an entire outfit and call it good. Not gonna happen these days.

I’ll keep you posted on what I’ll be wearing and post pictures from the photo shoot. Then, you’ll see my outfit on the radio station website when they are ready!

tawsha connell