5 Crochet Glitter Snowflakes (Instructions Included)
I love to crochet. Nana taught me when I was really little. Back then I just made crochet chains. Loooooong crocheted chains. I continued to crochet through the years making lots and lots of afghans, but got bored with those. Seriously, how many afghans do you really need? Unfortunately my pattern reading skills are fair at best, and my knowledge of crochet stitches beyond the basics are limited, so I’ve really never advanced past beginner projects.
My sister mentioned she’d love to have some crocheted snowflakes for her tree. The ones that had been passed down through the family that she’d been putting on her tree in the past were falling apart. I decided there’s no time like the present to advance my crocheting skills, and went in search of some snowflake patterns. There are a ton of free patterns out there, but good LORD! I can’t tell you how many I started, then ripped out.
After a lot of frustration, I finally landed on five that worked for me. My end result may not look perfect, but I felt pretty accomplished when I had finished. For the most part they were really easy to do, and my sister loved them! They don’t take long, and once you’ve got the pattern down, you can whip through them pretty quickly. They’d make a great handmade Christmas gift. I’ve shared the instructions with you below.
Good luck and happy crocheting!
*For all of the snowflakes below, I used white 100% Cotton Crochet thread – size 3 weight 1 (Super Fine), and a Size 8 (1.50mm) crochet hook*
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Snowflake #1
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Ch 6, join with a sl st to form ring
- Rnd 1: Ch 1, 12 sc in ring. Sl st in first sc.
- Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, (ch 3, sc in next sc) 11 times; hdc in first sc to join and form last loop – 12 ch-3 spaces
- Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc over hdc, *(2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in next space**, sc in next space; repeat from * around, ending last repeat at **; join with sl st in first sc.
- Rnd 4: Ch 4, sl st in same st as joining, *ch 2, (sc, ch 3, sc, ch 5, sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-3 space, ch 2**, (sl st, ch 4, sl st) in next sc; repeat from * around, ending last repeat at **; join with sl st in sl st of last round. End.
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Snowflake #2
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Ch 8, sl st in first ch to form ring.
- Rnd 1: Ch 7dc in ring, (ch 5, dc in ring) 4 times, ch 5, sl st in 2nd ch of ch 7–6 sps.
- Rnd 2: Sl st in next lp, ch 4 (counts as 1 tr); holding back last lp of each tr on hook, make 3 tr in ch-5 lp, yo and through 4 lps on hook (4 tr cluster), *ch 9, 4 tr cluster in next lp, repeat from * 4 times, ch 9, sl st in top of first cluster.
- Rnd 3: * Ch 7, sl st in 4th ch from hook for picot, ch 9, sl st in 4th ch from hook for picot, ch 3, sl st in top of cluster; in ch-9 lp work sc, hdc, 4 dc, hdc, sc, sl st in top of next cluster, repeat from * around, end sl st in sl st at beg of rnd. End.
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Snowflake #3
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Ch 7, sl st in first ch to form ring
- Rnd 1: Ch 6, (dc in ring ch 3) 7 times, sl st in 3rd ch of ch 6–8 sps.
- Rnd 2: Sl st in next sp; ch 3, 2 dc in sp, (ch 3, 3 dc in next sp) 7 times, ch 3, sl st in top first ch 3.
- Rnd 3: Ch 7, sk 1 dc, dc in next dc, * ch 4, dc in next dc, ch 4, sk 1 dc, dc in next dc, repeat from * around, end ch 4, sl st in 3rd ch of ch 7.
- Rnd 4: Sl st in first sp, ch 4, 2 tr in same sp, ch 4, sc in 4th ch from hook for picot, sl st in last tr, 2 tr in same sp, ch 3, sc in next sp, *ch 3, 3 tr, picot, 2 tr in next sp, ch 3, sc in next sp, repeat from * around, end ch 3, sl st in top of ch 4. End.
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Snowflake #4
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Ch 6, join with sl st to form ring
- Rnd 1: Ch 5 (counts as 1 tr and 2 ch), (1 tr into ring, 2 ch) 5 times, sl st to 3rd of 5 ch at beginning of rnd.
- Rnd 2: Sl st into first ch sp, ch 3 (counts as 1 tr), tr4tog into same ch sp, (ch 7, tr5tog into next ch sp) 5 times, ch 3, 1 dtr into top of first tr4tog.
- Rnd 3: Ch 1 (does not count as st), 3 dc into ch sp partly formed by dtr at end of previous rnd, (ch 9, 3 dc into next ch sp) 5 times, ch 8, 1 dc into top of first dc.
- Rnd 4: Ch 3 (counts as first leg of first tr3tog), tr2tog working first leg into center dc of first 3 dc group and second leg into first ch after 3 dc group, *ch 2, miss 1 ch, 1 tr into next ch, ch 2, miss 1 ch, (1 tr, ch 3, 1 tr) into next ch, ch 2, miss 1 ch, 1 tr into next ch, ch 2, miss 1 ch, tr3tog working first leg into next ch, second leg into central dc of next 3 dc group, and third leg into first ch after 3 dc group; rep from * 4 more times, (ch 2, miss 1 ch, 1 tr into next ch) twice, 18 ch, 1 dc into 16th ch from hook, 1 dc into next ch, 1 ch, 1 tr into same ch as last tr, ch 2, miss 1 ch, 1 tr into next ch, ch 2, miss 1 ch, sl st to top of first tr2tog. End.
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Snowflake #5
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Ch 7, sl st in first ch to form ring
- Rnd 1: (Sc in ring, ch 2, dc in ring, ch 2) 6 times. Sl st in first sc.
- Rnd 2: Sl st in first 2 ch, sl st in dc, ch 3, dc in same dc, (ch 3, sc in next sc, ch 3, 2 dc in next dc) 5 times, ch 3, sc in next sc, ch 3, sl st in top of first ch 3.
- Rnd 3: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc in next dc, (ch 4, sc in next sc, ch 4, dc in each of 2 dc) 5 times, ch 4, sc in next sc, ch 4, sl st in top of ch 3.
- Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc in next dc, (ch 5, sc in next sc, ch 5, dc in each of 2 dc) 5 times, ch 5, sc in next sc, ch 5, sl st in top of ch 3.
- Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc in next dc, (ch 7, sc in next sc, ch 7, dc in each of 2 dc) 5 times, ch 7, sc in next sc, ch 7, sl st in top of ch 3.
- Rnd 6: Ch 3, dc in next dc, (ch 9, sc in next sc, ch 9; holding back last lp of each dc, dc in each of the next 2 dc, yo hook and through 3 lps on hook) 5 times, ch 9, sc in next sc, ch 9, sl st in first dc. End.
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Finishing Snowflakes
To stiffen snowflakes, mix one part glue with one part water in a medium bowl. Stir until smooth. Submerge a snowflake in the mixture, then squeeze out excess liquid, lay the snowflake on a towel or corkboard. Shape it and pin it into place. Sprinkle with white glitter and let dry.
If you have any questions, you can comment below, or feel free to contact us by email: inbox (at) organizedchaosonline (dot) com.