Two Quick Steps to Prep Your Yard for Winter

Two Quick Steps to Prep Your Yard for Winter

How to Quick Prep your Yard for Winter | organizedCHAOSonline

I love planting all my flowers in the spring, watching them grow, and the daily ritual through the summer of watering, fertilizing, dead-heading and pruning. To me, nothing is better than having your hands in warm soil with the sun on your face. But…now the long days of summer have come to an end, and although the turning Fall leaves are beautiful, the chill is creeping into the air and winter will be here before we know it. All my beautiful green stems have turned to sticks, the soil is soggy and all my flowers are dead and ugly.

I have to fess up…I’m a terrible gardener. Once the weather gets that bite to it and my plants aren’t entertaining anymore, I lose interest quickly and my focus turns to upcoming holiday crafting and baking. If not for being plagued with guilt, I’d just tuck my pots full of soggy soil and craggy limp sticks somewhere I couldn’t see them during the winter, let the leaves pile up on the lawn (they’re really beautiful to look at…), and be done with my yard until Spring.

But I can’t. I think back a couple months ago when my lawn was beautiful and green, a cascade of color was spilling from the pots on my deck, and my flowerbeds were full of an interesting variety of herbs and flowers. Damn! I can’t just turn my back on them, but I’ve got holidays to prep for and my sewing machine is calling my name.

So what is the very minimum I need to do to give myself peace of mind that I’ve put my plants and lawn away for the season? Beats the hell out of me – a gardener, I’m not. So I contacted Teresa, an old friend of mine who owns Executive Gardening Services here in Washington. She knows her gardening, and was kind enough to provide the following must-do’s for prepping your yard and garden for winter. Here’s what she wrote…

1. Rake Your Leaves

194/365: Fall

There are people who don’t mind raking leaves, but a lot of times it’s only for one purpose…so they or their kids can JUMP in them! Who can resist a pile of leaves that are just begging you to do a swan dive into them? I love it too! But after the fun’s over, there the pile of leaves sit. It seems the part of leaf raking that most people dread is the picking up, bagging and disposal. I even know some people who have actually cut down all the trees in their yard just so they don’t have to rake every year. I think that’s a bit extreme, but that’s how deeply some folks detest the chore of raking leaves.

So why is it important to rake and dispose of my leaves? 

  • If you don’t get the leaves off your grass…they will kill it. If you rake them and leave them in a pile on your lawn, the grass underneath will be dead in the spring and will take months to grow back. Getting rid of leaves is very important for the health of your grass.

So what if you don’t rake them at all and just leave them where they fall?

  • The same thing will happen, in varying degrees of die-off. Where the leaves are in a thicker layer, more grass will die-off. Thinner layers of leaves will have less severe die-off, but the grass will still be compromised.

I’ve got pine trees. Will the needles and pine cones hurt my lawn?

  • Yes. You need to get all the debris off your lawn in the Fall…that includes pine cones and pine needles. These materials are bad because this type of plant debris is acidic in nature. As they decompose over the winter, they leach acidity into the ground beneath them. If they’re left to decompose on your lawn, that’s not good!


2. Clean out your flower beds and flower pots

There are two types of plants; Annuals and Perennials. One comes back the next year, the other one doesn’t. Which ones do you yank out in the Fall, which do you cut back, and which ones do you just leave alone?

First, let’s talk about Annuals (click HERE for list)…

How to Prep Your Garden for Winter | organizedCHAOSonline

Annuals are the flowers that grow and bloom for one growing season, last through spring and summer, and then die over the following winter…never to return. When it gets cold, usually around 27 degrees or colder, annuals freeze and die. The whole plant completely dies, including the roots.Those of you residing in southern climates know this is not a hard and fast rule, but it is definitely the case if you live in a state that has four distinct seasons, and cold winters (like where I live, in Washington State).

So, what do I do with my annuals to prepare for winter?

  • Once your annuals have lived out their summer life and the Fall leaves have started collecting around them, pulling up your annuals in the Fall is just basic house cleaning for your flower beds or pots. It’s not imperative that you pull them out, nothing terrible will happen if you don’t, but it just makes things look so much more tidy once all that dead stuff is cleaned up and gone.

Now, let’s talk about Perennials (click HERE for list)…

Two Quick Steps to Prep Your Yard for Winter

Perennials grow and flower through the growing season, just like annuals. But unlike annuals who die at the end of the growing season, perennials will grow back again the next spring!

Not all perennials bloom, and most do not flower for the whole growing season. Before I go any further, let me explain in a little more detail exactly what I mean by “dying back.” Perennials above ground foliage freezes and dies, but unlike annuals, their roots do not. The roots continue to grow below ground, albeit slowly, over the winter. In the Spring, when the temperature warms the soil and there are longer days with more light, they begin to regrow their foliage. Magic!

Okay, so how do I prep my perennials to return in the spring?

  • Here’s what I do. I cut the stems back to a length of about 8 inches and call it good. There’s nothing more to do. Great, right? But here’s where Fall clean up game rules get a little fuzzy. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to do a thing to your perennials over the winter. You can just leave the dead foliage in place, where it is, and forget about it until spring.

How to Prep Your Garden for Winter | organizedCHAOSonline

What are the advantages, in your opinion, to just leaving them alone?

  1. Leaving the foliage on creates visual interest in the winter garden landscape. This is especially true if you have seed heads or plants with firm stalks that remain upright and will gather frost beautifully or hold fresh snow on their heads. Lovely to look at in the dreary dead of winter!
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  3. Leaving the foliage in place also performs a beneficial function, by insulating the base and root of the plant from excessive freezing temperatures. This can kill the plant, especially if we have a winter where there is little to no snowfall. Snow, in spite of being a cold and frozen substance, is also an insulator that provides a ready source of moisture for plants in the late winter before the spring rain.
  4. The last good reason for leaving perennial foliage in place is what I personally practice in my own home garden. When I’m truly stir crazy and desperate to get outside after months of enduring a long, cold, dark winter, it gives me an excuse to get out in my yard and start gardening before it’s really warm enough to do anything else. Gently pulling off dried leaves, or snipping off dead stalks, is just the ticket if you are a gardener who’s dying to have something to do outside in the early spring.

Are there any advantages to cutting my perennials back? 

  • Sure! If you cut them back in the Fall, everything is all clean in the spring and you’re ready to go!  All you have to do is wait for things to start growing again. How fun is that?

So there you have it. Thanks, Teresa, for the tips! Looking out my office window today, it looks like they may not be kidding about the forecast of light snow next week. Guess I know what I’ll be doing this weekend. Have you prepped your yard for winter yet?

Patti signature


Our Go-To Stain Dictionary

Our Go-To Stain Dictionary

dictionary of stains | organized chaos online

How do I get wine out of my shirt?

I just dripped candle wax on the carpet? Do I have to replace it?

I tried to dye my hair and ended up getting it on my clothes – will it come out?

My son spilled nail polish on the floor and I have no idea how to remove it.

In the last week, all of these things have been said to us which was followed up with, “Do you know how?”

Our answer is always yes. It’s not because we’re super brill and can remember every way to get a stain out. We know the answer because we go to the Stain Dictionary every single time.

Life is a freaking mess a lot of the time. Perfect pictures and perfect lives are unattainable (don’t believe everything you see in those carefully styled photos). We’re about taking a situation that is less than perfect and finding a solution to make it better.

Let’s do it in the least amount of time, keep it simple and move on with life.

We present to you, one of the most amazing resources we know of.

Click the image to get to the site. Once you’re there, either search for your stain or enter it in the search bar and you will find the best way to get it out.

stain solution dictionary

University of Illinois Extension – Click for Interactive Dictionary

tawsha connell

Guest Post: Fruit Flies Don’t Bother Me

Guest Post: Fruit Flies Don’t Bother Me

fruit fly prevention

Summer has come to a close, meaning the problem of mosquitos lingering around will (hopefully) not be as big a problem with fall approaching. But what isn’t seasonal? Fruit flies. Everyone hates those pesky little flies that you’re swatting for days upon days. Knowing the preventative measures to take before bringing your produce home, may keep you from having to fan your face while trying to watch T.V. No worries, I will share preventative measures you can take to avoid fruit flies, and what you should do if you already have a fruit fly problem.

Preventing fruit flies: Don’t invite them in.

  1. Don’t buy produce from the store that already has a fruit fly party on it.
    If you see fruit flies on the produce you buy, there will most likely be fruit fly eggs on your produce when you bring it home.
  2. As soon as you get home, wash your produce with warm water and mild soap.
    As soon as you unpack your groceries, WASH YOUR PRODUCE. You can bring fruit flies into your home unknowingly by the flies’ eggs on your fresh fruit and veggies. This is also a wonderful reason you should wash produce before you eat it. No one wants to eat fruit fly eggs or fecal matter.
  3. Keep your kitchen tidy regularly.
    We all get a little tired in the evenings after a long day and decide to just leave the dishes, pans, or wine glass in the sink to wash the next day. This will actually attract fruit flies from outside your home, and encourage them to come inside your home. If you can bear to stay awake for just a few extra minutes, do your dishes and clean up dinner before going to bed at the end of the night.

I already have fruit flies, so now what?

  1. Clean vigorously. The more you can clean your kitchen area after the fruit flies have made unwelcome company in your home the better. Clean all surfaces, dishes, rags, dispose of old fruit, and wash all good fruit again. The reason fruit flies become a huge and overpowering annoyance, is because their lifecycle is very short. You need to eliminate all chances of fruit fly eggs from hatching and reproducing again.
  2. Set a trap. You can trap the living fruit flies by either making a cone cylinder and placing it into a jar, or covering a jar with plastic wrap and poking a few tiny holes with a toothpick or knife. Fill the jar with vinegar, rotting fruit, jam, or wine. Fruit flies are attracted to the smell of fermenting, so you can use anything that is rotting or sweet smelling if you don’t have any vinegar. The trap works because the fruit flies will be attracted to the smell and will find a way to get in, but they won’t be clever enough to get themselves out, and will eventually drown.
  3. Clean again. Cleaning is really important after you’ve caught all the fruit flies, because you want to make sure there are no eggs in your kitchen waiting to hatch. Keep and maintain a clean kitchen for the next few days, and leave out the trap to make sure you catch the stragglers.


I hope these tips and tricks will help you steer clear of fruit flies who try to make an unwelcome entrance into your home.

Author Bio:
Maya Rodgers prides herself as a wife, the mother of two children, a pet owner, and pest control consultant for Terminix. She enjoys sharing her expertise in pest control by sharing useful tips and tricks with bloggers. She also loves writing and living as green as possible.

You can check out Maya’s blog at Pets and Pests for additional tips and tricks for eliminating fruit flies and other pesky pets.

Fall Cleaning Checklist

Fall Cleaning Checklist

fall cleaning checklist | organized chaos online

All I can think about is cooler weather, cute sweaters, pulling out those boots, drinking warm drinks and a cozy home. I’m literally sitting in 90 degree heat and can’t wait for it to go away. Ask me how I feel about all this in February and I’ll be begging for the heat.

While dreams of fall are dancing through our heads, we should take advantage of our excitement and get a bit done. You haven’t turned on your fireplace in awhile, your gutters may be all mucked up, your air filters have still been working (even though you may not think much about it) and the inside of your house has started a nice little dust collection in the places you don’t see until company arrives.

Fall preparation includes both indoor and outdoor projects.

Many of the following projects can be completed now or two months from now. Simply download the document at the end of this post, print and place in a visible area so you aren’t too late to complete a project.


  • Clean gutters and downspouts.
  • Spray off house, patio and/or deck.
  • Wash outdoor furniture.
  • Clean grill.
  • Scrub down outdoor play equipment and toys (prep to cover).
  • Drain and store garden hoses.
  • Blow out sprinklers.
  • Trim back and tend to any outdoor plants and bushes (prep to cover).


  • Replace air filters.
  • Clean fireplace and chimney.
  • Check (test) heat/furnace.
  • Clean fans and vents.
  • Clean off any spiderwebs and/or cobwebs.
  • Touch-up paint.
  • Change and replace light bulbs.
  • Clean the oven.
  • Replace batteries on smoke and carbon dioxide alarms.
  • Clean refrigerator (including the coils around back).
  • Rearrange cupboards and drawers to place all baking, crockpot and winter-time cooking supplies near the front.
  • Clean carpets.
  • Flip mattresses.
  • Change the candle or wax scents for the season.
  • Rearrange closets (summertime clothing in the back and cute winter stuff in the front).
  • Clean out toy bins and kids’ play areas. Donate toys.
  • Dust like crazy.
  • Do an all-over deep clean. This includes baseboards, walls, doors, etc.

Shall we start this party early, friends? I, for one, am in. I am so sick of the same dirty places in my house and am ready to get rid of everything. My house just feels gross sometimes.

Have I said too much?



Follow our free checklist exactly or add projects of your own.

[purchase_link id=”9675″ style=”button” color=”dark-gray” text=”Click to download ” direct=”true”]

tawsha connell

Smelly Poo: How to Make Your Own Spray to Mask Your No. 2

Smelly Poo: How to Make Your Own Spray to Mask Your No. 2

smelly poo organizedchaosonlineObviously a work in progress.

Sh*t happens. It just does. It can happen at home, at work, on a first date or when you least expect it. You’re human. Most people don’t talk about it – that makes me laugh. I’m soooooo not the type of person to be embarrassed about potty talk but I also don’t want the reality of people knowing when I did it.

How many of you non-potty talkers are squirming right about now? Are you reading this in a Starbucks or at work and constantly looking over your shoulder to see who is seeing you read this?


Well, I’m writing it in a Starbucks. Make you feel better?

Back to topic…

poo pourri crap shooter

For Christmas, my in laws bought me a spray called “Poo-Pourri” that masks the stinky poo 100%. It’s seriously the most amazing thing ever invented! I went online to buy out every scent available but it’s some pricey stuff. Remind me to thank my in-laws, again, for dropping $15 on poo spray. It has saved lives. I’ll let them know that, too.

When on a budget, resort to DIY.

We are now sharing with you our version of poo spray called SMELLY POO!

It’s so easy, it’s ridiculous. You need essential oils, a small spray bottle and some water. We have included all supplies (with a bunch of options) in our store HERE so you can have it all sent to your house at once. We’re doing this because you can make an infinite number of scent varieties for so little. Christmas presents, anyone?

In more detail…


Use a 5 oz-ish bottle to follow the “recipe”. As you can see, this is very specific.

Aluminum Spritzer2. WATER

I’m choosing to use distilled water. The “recipe” calls for 8 oz.

distilled water


The actual “recipe” suggest 10 drops each of Bergamont, Grapefruit and Lemongrass oils

holiday essential oils



What about a holiday blend? You can go all fall-like and spice it up or create a perfect Christmas scent. No, I’m not kidding. How amazeballs would that be?

Who, me? No, I was just in the restroom freshening up.

You’ll notice the fresh holiday scent.”

We also have summer scents, a box of “favorites” and more in our STORE.


When you head into the restroom to…um… “freshen up” spray one or two spritzes of your new SMELLY POO!


Here’s the deal: When you go to the bathroom and flush, the particles escape the toilet and dissipate into your air. Your BREATHING air. Gross, right? The scent goes with it. If you create a solid barrier (whether it’s SMELLY POO, your rear or the lid of the toilet), stop those particles from escaping. Don’t let the world know your secret – you are human and you actually poo.

tawsha connell