28 Easy Peasy Bento Box Lunch Ideas

28 Easy Peasy Bento Box Lunch Ideas


Before we start into the kids lunch ideas, we need to add a warning or disclaimer or whatever word you’re comfortable with. The following lunch ideas were made by many super human moms. It makes us feel better to think they have a ton of extra time, only made one lunch for the picture and spend 100% of their time on making these lunches.

We like to make it seem like we’re not the only ones with thrown together lunches as we’re literally running out the door with the kids, backpacks, breakfast hanging out of our mouths and a nagging feeling we’re forgetting something. That, in a nutshell, is how we spend our mornings.

This is organizedCHAOS for a reason.

Take each image with a grain of salt. The idea is there and you can do with it what you want. Perfection isn’t the goal – it’s just about feeding your child and moving on. Oh, and looking like a rad parent in the meantime.

At the end of this post, we will list all supplies that will make your bento box lunch preparation a simple one. It’s all about the tools…and budget. It’s not pricey at all. Order, check your doorstep, grocery shop, make the lunch, enjoy time for yourself.

hot dog school lunch - organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Operation Lunchbox

Hot dog
Strawberries & blueberries
Baked beans

carrots fruit popcorn school lunch - organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Keeley McGuire

Chocolate milk

cheese sammie with plane school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Bento Lunch

Cheese sandwich
Kiwi and orange

chicken finger sandwich school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: iPack Lunch

Chicken nugget pita
Grain chips
Fresh fruit

chicken nuggests carrots school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Food for Harper

Nilla Wafers
Chicken nuggets
String cheese

chicken soup school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Bentos on the Bayou

Toast rings
Chicken noodle soup
Fresh fruit

circle apples school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Keeley McGuire

Ham and cheese
Apple rings with peanut butter

diy lunchable school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Jill Dubien

Cheese blocks
Wheat crackers
Bologna or ham slices

fruit cheese meat school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Food for Harper

Fresh Fruit

ham cheese granola  school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Keeley McGuire

Carrot sticks
Ham rollups with cheese
Pita chips
Granola bar

heart cheese school lunch - organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Keeley McGuire

Cheese and crackers
Ham roll ups
Fresh fruit

pasta laughing cow school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Food for Harper

Bowtie Pasta
Laughing cow cheese
Green beans
Trail mix
Apples and blueberries

PB lego Sandwiches school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Sun Scholars

Peanut butter sandwiches
Lego Duplo blocks – use as cookie cutter

Pickup Sticks school lunch - organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Keeley McGuire

Cheese sticks
Carrots and Jicama
Salami slices
Pancake sticks

pizza buns school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Simple as That Blog

Carrots and cucumbers
Mini marshmallows
Pizza buns (recipe HERE)

pretzel fish school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Wendolonia

Turkey and cheese (or substitute with another meat)
Pretzel fish crackers

sandwich squares school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: A Boy and His Lunch

Sandwich squares
Annie’s snack mix
Cheese crackers
Gross looking plums

taco cups school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: This Lunch Rox

Wheat cups (recipe HERE)
Taco fixin’s
Chicken pieces

taco school lunch - organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Keeley McGuire

Prepared tacos
Mandarin oranges
Broccoli salad

triangle sandwich school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Craftiness is Not Optional

Sandwich triangles
Pirate’s Booty cheddar puffs

banana wrap school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Inhabitots

Banana with peanut butter rolled in a wrap or tortilla
Fresh Fruit

heart sammies school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Slash Food

String cheese
Sandwich cut into fun shapes
Goldfish crackers
Fresh Fruit

JohnnyAppleseed school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Benton Better Lunches

Sandwich cut into apple
Fruit snacks
Fig newtons
Fresh apples with dip
Granola bar

waffles eggs school lunch organizedCHAOSonlineBoiled egg
Fresh fruit (kiwi and blackberries)
Corn muffin
Raw peppers

corn dog muffins school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Following In My Shoes

Corn dog muffins with ketchup (recipe HERE)
Cheese squares
Sweet peas/snap peas

hamburger sandwich school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Glory Mischief

Hamburger sandwich (ham, cheese, lettuce)
A kiss


Seasoned potatoes
Pepperoni stick
String cheese
Mandarin oranges
Grapes and yogurt

sub sandwich school lunch organizedCHAOSonline

Source: Bento for Kidlet

Sub sandwich
Macaroni salad

Bento box lunches for kids don’t have to be tough. There are FIVE main parts:

  1. Protein
  2. Fruit
  3. Vegetable
  4. Something sweet
  5. Something salty

Also, don’t forget the drink.

If you are the plan ahead type, make a grocery list for two weeks and pack the easy stuff early on. If you are the last minute type, grab what you had for dinner the night before and make it bento-friendly. It’s truly that simple.

A TIP: Have enough lunch carriers and containers to last the week. That way, you aren’t having to wash those suckers every night. What a pain. Turns out, you have more important things to do.

visit our school lunch supply store - click for more

visit our school lunch supply store – click for more

tawsha connell