I don’t read blogs, I read email.
Sound familiar?
I can’t find enough time during the day to hop around to different blogs to read updates. If I could, I would. I’m missing out on some really cool ideas, personalities, stories and inspiration.
I hate missing out!
Google reader has been available for some time. It allowed you to just log into your Google account and see all the blogs you follow. That service is no longer available after Monday (thanks for the reminder Mama Laughlin). See what you can learn from following blogs?
Have you heard of Bloglovin’? Cheesy name for a really cool and simple-to-use program. It’s a way to get updates from your favorite blogs in email form. Not a billion emails…just one.
Here’s what you do:
- Head on over to www.bloglovin.com
- Create an account for free
- Search for blogs you love (if you already know of some you like) such as organizedCHAOSonline. Just sayin’.
- Whenever you happen upon a blog you like, look for the “bloglovin” image or clickable link to add to your list (image can also look like this and appear in a group of social icons like we have at the top right of the blog).
- Wait for your daily email and do literally nothing but read what they send you.
It’s so easy and you get just ONE email a day. Have I mentioned that, yet? No junk or overloaded inboxes, here.
If you are familiar with following blogs and you are one of those people who are freaking out a little about losing the blogs you already follow? Gimme Some Oven posted a detailed (and also simple) how-to list.
Now that you’re all set up, test it out by following us. If you don’t like it, you can unfollow.
Have you tried http://www.hinto.co ? It’s not an RSS reader, but it’s a highly visual desktop web app that allows you to select which websites contents to keep up with.
No, I haven’t. It sounds right up my alley, though. I will check it out. Thanks for the heads up!