Hi! That’s me. Almost always.
I say that I wear yoga pants every day. I am not kidding. Not one little bit. Oh, and no makeup.
Not the point of this post. I just needed some sort of intro so I wasn’t jumping right into a story seemingly out of nowhere.
I’m planning to blog regularly on this site. Mom and I each have our own personal pages within the site so we can express ourselves without any limitations and/or finding a category for it to fit in.
I am a little bit of everything. I get the sweats when someone asks me to write a bio because I have no idea where to start (and then make it concise). My mind goes blank when someone asks, “What is it you do?” How assy do I sound when I say “everything“? Which I have done on more than one occasion.
My attention span is short, I go through phases of interest and I’m trying my absolute best to live in the moment. Part of this means cutting off social media at 6pm my time until 6am the following day so I can focus on my own life rather than feeling like everyone else is having the fun. Turns out, I have a pretty great life…if I can kick a few hundred insecurities and enjoy the here and now.
That being said, I’m going to blog. I don’t know what about. This could be full of random facts I blurt out.
It will be personal, I can promise you that.
My blog won’t be “promoted” on the main page of our site and this is absolutely your choice to read it. Gah. I say that as if you don’t have a choice otherwise.
My Life:
- Son who is 4
- Husband of 11 years (nothing normal about our relationship)
- Went from morning radio to unemployed in a hot second
- Have started multiple businesses
- Author
- Dying to meet great neighbors…after living here for almost 4 years
- Have major family drama
- Need to lose around 50 pounds
- On a budget – no cable – means no Real Housewives of ______
- Dye my own hair, wax my own eyebrows
- Have been told TWICE that I’m the ugliest person someone has seen (not fishing for compliments, just showing depth)
- Have had braces twice (result of ugly comment)
- Been all colors of hair (result of ugly comment)
- Former runner (of only two years)
- Former dancer and choreographer
- Website designer – for me and others
- Obsessed with connecting friends. Like, massive pride when two great people meet (not love-matches)
- and then some…just want to make sure I haven’t lost your attention
Am I seriously asking you what I should blog about? Let’s add the “will anyone care to read” insecurity to my list of things I need to work on.
My question to you:
Is a blog about everything and nothing interesting?
The gift of gab, along with the gift of putting words/thoughts/ideas to print is priceless. Go for it. We are women, therefore are very random and can run from topic to topic without a pause, because there is so much out there to discover. I too have a lot of interests, and those interest change quite a bit. I’m so happy to know I’m not the only one. Love, Nancy
I can’t believe someone (x2) had the nerve to say that you were the ugliest person they’d ever seen…even if you were, how rude. I can’t wait to read what you write. It is relatable and human.
Do it, your writing, posts & status’ make me laugh! In a good way of course 🙂
I don’t think I even need to comment, but I still will…..
YES! You know I love reading anything and everything that you write. Whether it’s a 140 word tweet (which I’m sad you don’t do more often), to a random FB status, to a hilarious and off-the-wall Instagram photo or a blog post, I will follow you around like a puppy dog. (You and I both I’m not as pitiful as it sounds in this comment)
I’m a sucker for ya Tawsha… Write on, I’ll read it.
Yes! Do it 🙂 You’ve got a reader here! PS: We can be fun Nashville neighbors!!
I think a blog about you & your everyday life is very interesting!
Do it!
I think the blog is interesting and you should stay on focus on what you wanted it to be a personal blog/outlet for everyday things. Me being a vivid listener to you on kiss in the mornings. You have many hats and a great personality I felt could light up a room in my opinion. I am very interested in reading what you write in your blog. Use it to express yourself and feelings and I think you will do fine.
Damn straight and I say start right the F**k now!