This week, most of the recipes lean toward healthy. We’re grateful for the awesome people who create these recipes and actually know their way around a kitchen. Huh. Novel idea.
All the meals available are fairly simple and take little time (unless it’s in a slow-cooker).
I NEEEEEEEEED to workout and cut the crap from my diet. While a complete cold turkey would send me into some sort of shock, I’m trying to take things day by day. Instead of making excuses, I’m going to give a few The Daily Hiit Workouts (same-ish site as and clean up my act a bit. I pretty much wouldn’t mind looking like her (pictured). Like, AT. ALL. In fact, I’d probably walk around with less clothing asking people if they’ve seen what I look like. No, have you seen what I look like? I’M AMAZING! Perhaps that’s why she’s who she is and I’m not. My ego would be so inflated. Care to try this workout with me?
Each week, we create a meal plan for our family. We’d also like to make your life easier. Put them together and you’ve got yourself the FREE Weekly Meal Plan download. [download id=”4″]
Help yourself to any and all of the past meal plans as well. They are all in the DOWNLOADS category.
The format of the plans keeps changing because we’re trying to find a good fit. Please let us know what works best for you. We love feedback and we’ll keep tweaking the look and functionality until we find a great fit for all of us.
Here’s a visual run-down of what this week looks like:
Download the FREE Weekly Meal Plan – HERE
Comment with your favorite recipe or things you’d like to see in the future.